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Cuddles Rentals
Cuddles Rentals and Cuddles Bay is an all entertainment sim catering to lots of attractions, namely:
1) Surfing, Fishing, Wedding, Swimming, Music, Dance, Hangout
2) Bungee Jump, Water Splash, Diving, Naked parties, Nude Beach
3) Games like Greedy, Ludo, Cheesy, Parcheesi
4) We have an expensive Photo Studio for public use
5) Ideal place for romance, cuddles and free chill time.
6) As Cuddles Rentals we supply one of the lowest cost land renting on our Full prim Sim. (includes sailing)

LPE Estates & Lucius Passiflora Entertainment
LPE is a Full sim affiliating a lovely mid-night Romantic ballroom that will open your heart for an enchanting evening of fun and relaxation. As you hear our live artists perform with musical notes falling from the ceiling bringing a smile to your face. Music Lovers and Live Performers are invited to explore the sim. The good time spent there cannot be missed. An estate full of Live music of all types, theme rooms, entertainment and relaxation all around.

Crisp Estates
Crisp Estates are in SL Since 2020. They have provided an outstanding customer experience while offering the most elite and exclusive lands on SecondLife. Their beachfront and sailing lands feature access to 100s of sailing SIMs, including: Blake Sea, North & South Heterocera Atoll, Zindra Ocean and Nautilus. They own hundreds of thousands of SQM across SecondLife and as such, they are able to provide competitive rates and a fully staffed support team.

Lightman Streams
Lightman Streams will provide their clients with all their audio needs. From simple shout-cast streams to full featured automatic radio packages. This is at a very competitive prices and excellent top of the line customer support. Lightman streams is best experience possible provided in second life and even in real life. Lightman Streams is The best choice for your value for money, without sacrificing quality nor stability of audio streaming needs in Second Life!

Good Fairy
The inspiration behind Good Fairy is its brand that produces quality, ethnic garments at a fair price. Complete room sets, full perm items, as well as houses. Outfits of high Quality materials are also available usually in fatpacks controlled by huds.

Ava Inc
AVAin inc. at Second Life is considered one of the main supporters and producers of Second life Finnish Fashion. Not only that, but also walking along their commercial centers, they will inspire the feeling of you being at home again. Their Gardens, landscapes, designs, and secluded rental units are a must visit for you that cannot be missed. They also uphold the concept of the Finnish style of nightlife and entertainment in their premises at Second Life.

Souami Finland
Suomi Finland at Second Life is the ultimate destination for entertainment, shopping, and dining. Stella Polaris is an amazing place to hang out with friends, do some shopping, and listen to amazing live music. They also offer DFS products and restaurants that cater to every taste and budget. Their concerts are out of this world, featuring some of the best artists and bands in the industry.

ADD Clothing
ADD Clothes in Second Life are featuring casual and sports fashion making for second life women. They are the most creative place to be for latest trends and great designs to certainly dress and impress. ADD Taste is simple and unique also beautiful and affordable. They Also offer great discounts and give aways always on weekly basis being part of the most famous weekly events and promotions.