In 2017, Parallel Universe Productions launched as a company dedicated to producing large-scale simulated events and reality shows. The Viral Voice, Dance Plus, Miss Parallel Universe, Style Superstars, and Power Couple are all shows that we've produced and are very proud of. Our shows are a cut above the rest since they provide a real-life experience rather than a virtual one. We discovered after 6 years of organising great shows and working with hundreds of brands as sponsors that we are #1 at generating experiences for SL residents. Thus, we're branching out into a marketing agency , assisting companies in reaching SL Brands their full potential with our marketing firm- ‘wHere is your brand.’ Experience your second life by joining one of our shows ! We promise you’ll come back ! Conversely, if you're the owner of a brand, consult with advertising pros who are working in similar roles in real world.
Sponsor Our Next Big Project!
Parallel Universe Productions is seeking a full region sponsor on Second Life!
Why Sponsor Us?
High Visibility: Showcase your land to a large audience with prominent name and logo displays.
Exclusive Promotion: Be featured in all our promotional materials and social media campaigns.
Early Access: Get exclusive early access to our groundbreaking project.
Networking: Connect with other key figures and organizations in Second Life.
What We Need:
Full Region with 100 Avatar Capacity
Permission to Build in the Sky
Group Rez Permissions
Specific Land Rights
Join Us in Creating Something Extraordinary!
For more details, contact us at: